I love after the holiday sales. Today, the day after Halloween, I found some great things on the 50% or more rack at my local Wal-Mart. The first thing that I found were googly eyeballs, perfect to make Tedd Arnold's," Fly Guy." The boys absolutely loved it! The other great thing was a package of 50 spider rings. I found spider web paper at the scrapbook store that made a wonderful background for a Spider Fact books.
Spider Fact Books-
Read Gail Gibbons, "Spid
ers," Divide the book into chapters such as, Interesting facts, Arachanids, not Insects, Anatomy of a Spider, Appearance, etc. The kids love it when they write, "Chapters." The cover is spider web paper laminated. Poke a hole in the paper and stick a spider ring through, taping with masking tape the back.
The last page of our book was selecting descriptive words for spiders and typing them using a website called http://www.wordles.com/. I found great stretchy spiders that were attached to the word page with double stick tape.
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